Ecosia: Search the web, save the environment

Ecosia is the search engine that plants trees. Use Ecosia to help the environment just by searching the web. Ecosia’s Mission There are all kinds of problems in our modern world that need fixing. At Ecosia, we want to do our share to find and support innovative solutions to as many of these problems as…

The Vocabulary Wheel

Change the way you articulate your thoughts and feelings. By using a Vocabulary wheel, you can coherently express yourself. English teacher Kaitlin Robbs helps you find the right word for the right feeling from the inside out. Start out with a basic emotion and then move outward until you have the best synonym for the job….


There were times when computers were a luxury. Average programmable computer would put a large hole in your savings. And then came programming computers from Raspberry Pi. The original Raspberry Pi Model B and its successors put a programmable computer within reach of anyone with $20-35 to spend. Since 2012, millions of people have used a…

Youtube’s Best

We decided to collect the best of YouTube channels for learning, growth and development and created this huge list. Please add in the comments section if we missed some. ♦ Education ( All great learning content at one place  ) ♦ Kurz Gesagt – In a Nutshell   – (Explain complex things  into simple terms with beautiful…

Microsoft’s HoloLens – Transform your world with holograms

Remember when Google Glass was the next big thing? Well, this is something way beyond. A picture is worth a thousand words but a Video is worth thousand pictures. Watch the Microsof’s latest video above. Microsoft HoloLens seamlessly blends high-definition holograms with your real world. It is the first fully untethered, holographic computer, enabling high-definition holograms…

Liftware: Eat with Confidence again

Whenever I visit home, I notice my grandmother facing a lot of difficulty eating. She has hand tremor and thus she spills all the food around when she tries to eat. She stopped visiting the restaurants or going to parties, she began to have social isolation and was frustrated everytime she had to do a simle…

Happy Birthday Aakarshit

Shit, Remember the first day of college, you, me and Naman were sitting on the same bench? We became friends instantly. Mostly because we both were very much similar. There was so much excitement between us to at-last meet someone similar to us. Look at us now, nothings changed. There’s still that excitement, there’s still…

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)

What is a MOOC? According to Wikipedia, MOOC is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive user forums to support community interactions between students, professors, and teaching assistants. The Rise Of…

PhD’s of Reddit

A recent post on Reddit created a lot of fuss among its users. Reddit user with the username faithmilitant asked Reddit What is a dumbed down summary of your thesis? A lot of interesting Answers to this question are both fun to read and interesting too. 13128 comments till date arose, Some of the Good ones featured below….